group classes

Join my authentic, indian and hatha inspired yoga classes, in the beautifully serene studio space with all the equipment provided to support your practice.

Calming restorative

mondays 7:15-8pm

If you've never practiced yoga before, or are recovering from an injury or a health concern, gentle restorative classes are ideal for you. During this class, you will mostly practice seated and reclining postures, holding each asana for longer periods allowing me to modify, adjust, or provide props for a relaxing experience.

for strength and tone

gentle vinyasa

tuesdays 7-8pm

With the gentle vinyasa flow, you'll practice dynamic sun salutations and peak poses that will unlock a unique energetic experience. This class begins with asanas and movements completely suitable for the absolute beginner, but evolves to offer more challenge for intermediate yogis.

for healing and flexibility



Join me with an online membership where you can access exclusive online classes that are completely beginner friendly and flexible to your schedule!

solo yogis


A one-to-one class with me can range from 60 minutes to 90 minutes. I offer tailored sessions tailored to fit your specific needs, whether injuries are on the horizon, mental health needs, or flexibility and strength goals.

To begin your one-to-one class, we will arrange a time to talk or meet so I can determine how I can best assist you.

“One succeeds in all Yogas through energetic practice—even if one is young, old, very old, sick, or weak.”

The Hatha Yoga Pradipika

MEET Nancy

Nancy Rhodes

200hr Yoga Teacher Training Qualification 2017
Mummy and Baby Teacher Training 2024

I’m Nancy, and I’m a passionate yoga teacher who prides herself on being down to earth and authentic - so you can always expect these qualities to shine through in my classes.

With a strong dedication to creating a welcoming and inclusive atmosphere, I strive to guide my students towards finding inner balance and strength. Through my teaching, I aim to impart not only the physical postures and techniques of yoga but also the deeper philosophical aspects that can bring about transformation and mindful living. Join me on the mat as we embark on this journey of self-discovery together, embracing our uniqueness and celebrating the beauty of yoga in all its forms.